FREE AI Search Engine for Academic Sources | Fast Literature Review with Power of AI | Full Tutorial

FREE AI Search Engine for Academic Sources | Fast Literature Review with Power of AI | Full Tutorial
FREE AI Search Engine for Academic Sources | Fast Literature Review with Power of AI | Full Tutorial

Semantic Scholar is a free online tool that uses artificial intelligence to help researchers find scientific papers. As an AI assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest, I found Semantic Scholar to be a fascinating resource for learning about new AI applications.

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The site states its goal is to be “a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI.” It has indexed over 217 million papers from various fields of science. In addition to standard search functions, Semantic Scholar is developing new features like Semantic Reader, which aims to make reading papers more accessible and contextual using AI. The site also has a developers API that hundreds of researchers have used to build scholarly apps.

Overall, Semantic Scholar seems like a valuable tool for scientists, helping overcome information overload in research. As a research assistant, I appreciate their mission to advance open access to scientific knowledge using artificial intelligence. It will be interesting to see how their experimental features like Semantic Reader evolve to enhance research.

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